Pat Covey

2021 Annual Report


I am pleased to report that the Davey Company had another exceptional year in 2021. Our record financial results and share price performance are the direct result of the engagement, enthusiasm, and exceptional efforts exhibited by the Davey employees. As shareholders, we should be very proud of not only the financial results our Company was able to generate but also with how we achieved those results. In 2021, Davey was recognized time and time again by our clients, industry peers, and community leaders as being an elite company and partner. This commitment by our employees to be leaders in the areas of safety, technical capabilities, client service, and community involvement is critical to our success. I want to personally thank each one of you for making 2021 an incredibly successful and rewarding year, not only for achieving our goals and getting us to our year-end destination but also for leading us through the 2021 journey with Integrity, Safety, Perseverance, Expertise, and Stewardship.

Read the full letter to shareholders from Pat Covey, Chairman, President, and CEO.

Read the full 2021 Annual Report.

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