Massachusetts Army National Guard
DRG conducted vegetation surveys at Camp Edwards, MA, assessing pine barrens habitat for Lepidoptera monitoring. Covering 14,433 acres, transects were surveyed meticulously, and data entered into MAANG's database, emphasizing integrity and adherence to program standards.
Staying In Compliance
Davey Resource Group, Inc. (DRG) conducted the summer 2022 and 2023 vegetation surveys in scrub shrub oak and pine forest habitat at Camp Edwards, MA, an annual compliance component of “The Lepidoptera Monitoring Plan for Camp Edwards.” The project occurred within a 14,433-acre MAANG training site on Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC). The facility monitors and manages habitat for 16 state-listed Lepidoptera species. The vegetation survey component addresses a facility goal to evaluate change in pine barrens habitat value associated with mitigation and management actions.
Sharing Our Expertise
MAANG contracted DRG to conduct a vegetation survey along thirty 200-meter-long transects. The transects were pre-determined by MAANG and field-located by DRG using sub-meter GPS. Vegetation was identified to species level at two-meter intervals from the ground surface through the canopy, including substrate, ground cover, shrubs, and trees, using program-specific data collection and recording methods. Vegetation data and supporting parameters were collected and recorded with appropriate quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC). DRG staff also entered the 2021 and 2022 field data into MAANG’s Lepidoptera Monitoring Database, a robust Access program supporting the long-term Lepidoptera habitat management program.
Throughout the project, DRG focused on completing the data collection within the brief season of the Lepidoptera activity, maintaining communication with MAANG, and applying MAANG’s specified data collection methods to ensure data integrity, repeatability, and usability.