Park Place Operations, Inc.
DRG conducted stormwater infrastructure inspection and maintenance at Fast Park & Relax in Hebron, KY, focusing on a dry detention basin and a front swale. The team provided routine quarterly inspections, additional rainfall event inspections, and preventative maintenance.
Staying In Regulation
Davey Resource Group, Inc. (DRG) provided stormwater infrastructure inspection and maintenance services at two sites within Fast Park & Relax in Hebron, KY. The first was a dry detention basin for which DRG provided routine quarterly inspection reports and additional inspections for rainfall events of two inches or more. DRG also provided preventative maintenance, consisting of invasive vegetation control, trash and sediment removal, and general site maintenance, which included pruning, mulching, and maintenance of the planted woody vegetation around the basin. Fast Park & Relax staff were responsible for maintaining the second site’s front swale and controlling invasive vegetation. Periodic inspections and reporting are crucial for maintaining stormwater infrastructure and preventing long-term problems.
Expertise That Exceeds Expectation
DRG exceeded expectations at the dry detention basin by quickly recognizing that the system’s primary deficiency was its inability to dewater in a timely manner. This deficiency resulted from debris obstructing the stormwater outfall device, which allowed a large monoculture of algae to develop, creating, in turn, even more debris to obstruct the system. To decrease the amount of algae and enable the system to dewater as designed, DRG proposed using algaecide treatments. Additionally, to create a more efficient and effective preventative maintenance plan and to ensure that the system remains functioning properly, DRG proposed more frequent but less intensive maintenance visits focused on clearing obstructions from the stormwater outfall device.