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Project Profiles Pittsburgh Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group partnered with several Pittsburgh, PA entities to develop a plan that preserves and expands the city’s urban forest.
IMG 1151
Davey Resource Group inventoried 5,000 trees on the Denver Tech Center campus to provide data that helped create a 10-year maintenance cycle plan.
Adobestock 200955603
Faced with overgrown rail line vegetation requiring tools and expertise beyond the scope of existing resources, Sound Transit calls on Davey Tree Surgery Company to quickly and efficiently restore the lines to safe standards.
Project Profile Cedar Run Banner 1440X500
Mitigation Banking
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. created, restored, and enhanced 375 acres of wetlands, 3.5 acres of open water, 81 acres of preserved wetlands, and 216 acres of preserved or reforested upland buffers along the Cedar Run in Virginia.
Project Profile Maplewood Mn Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group mixed aesthetics and function by installing a specialized tree trench system to address stormwater management and encourage public use of the space at the entrance to Maplewood Community Center.
Washelli Cemetery.4
Davey Resource Group used a tree risk assessment to catch the spread of stem canker disease among Washelli Cemetery’s Lombardy poplar trees in Seattle.
Environmental Pp Street And Park Tree Inventory Banner 1440X500
DRG completed a comprehensive inventory of street and park trees for the City of Shoreview, Minnesota using TreeKeeper software to help streamline daily management of the City’s urban forest in one easy-to-use system.
Project Profile Bachelors Delight Banner 1440X500
Mitigation Banking
Davey Resource Group served as the lead consultant for environmental site investigations, design, permitting, implementation, and monitoring of the Bachelor's Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank in North Carolina.
Environmential Project Profile Manson Inlet Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group experts used their regulatory knowledge and environmental expertise to assist with the relocation of the Mason Inlet to mitigate erosion risks for nearby residential and commercial properties and infrastructure.
Adobestock 158483853
Residential/Mixed Use
Davey Resource Group balanced the ecological goals of a site in Illinois with the development demands of future and current residents to restore and preserve over 150 acres of natural areas.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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