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Adobestock 158483853
Residential/Mixed Use
Davey Resource Group balanced the ecological goals of a site in Illinois with the development demands of future and current residents to restore and preserve over 150 acres of natural areas.
Ec Project Profile Homer Glen Banner 1440X500
DRG transformed a barren stormwater basin into a thriving ecosystem and trail system at Culver Park in Homer Glen, Illinois.
Environmental Project Profiles Quincy Ma Banner 1440X500
DRG planted and performed aftercare services on 611 trees in Quincy, MA as part of the Greening the Gateway Program. Thanks to the expertise of DRG’s crews, the tree mortality rate was under 5%.
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden Has A Wide Variety Of Unique Species Not Often Found In Typical Urban Forest Tree Inventories
Davey Resource Group performed a GIS-based tree inventory and created a community forest management plan on the 3,720 trees in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
MAANG Vegetation 2
Military Base/Military Family Housing
DRG conducted vegetation surveys at Camp Edwards, MA, assessing pine barrens habitat for Lepidoptera monitoring. Covering 14,433 acres, transects were surveyed meticulously, and data entered into MAANG's database, emphasizing integrity and adherence to program standards.
Project Profile Ottawa Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group helped Ottawa County Landfill in Ohio restore wetlands on a previously farmed site as part of a regulation compliance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Ohio EPA.
Utility Css Pge Banner 1440X500
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Davey Resource Group, Inc.’s auditing services provided the necessary recommendations for Pacific Gas and Electric for improved irrigation systems and new vegetation.
Project Profile Julie J Metz Banner 1440X500
Mitigation Banking
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. constructed and monitored a 230-acre wetland bank in Prince William County, Virginia which was approved as successful by the USACE in 2005.
Dsc 5513
Davey Tree has partnered with the American Horticultural Society to maintain the trees on River Farm, the home of the society’s headquarters formerly owned by George Washington.
Copy Of Brentwoodmo 1
Davey Resource Group provides support to the Brentwood, MO, Parks and Recreation Superintendent through professional advice, assessments, and proactive maintenance recommendations for the city’s trees.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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