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Type Of Client
Montague 1
DRG conducted a vegetation management program in Montague Plains Wildlife Management Area post-burn to preserve the unique xeric pitch pine-scrub oak complex. Covering 166 acres, DRG’s efforts focused on promoting native species dominance.
Project Profile Egg Harbor Township Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group oversaw construction and post-construction of the Lakes Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank to help Atlantic County, NJ, receive compensatory wetland mitigation credits for bridge replacement and construction projects.
Client Success Story The City Of Oberlin Banner 1440X500
Electric Government Utility
The city of Oberlin, Ohio is improving their data management by implementing Geographic Information Systems to capture 30 years of legacy data
Williamspipeline Banner 1440X500
Natural Gas/Pipeline
Davey Tree’s Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. stabilizes streams to help protect the natural gas pipeline of a client.
Ewing Banner Image
Davey crews perform a variety of projects to continue Ewing Cemetery’s mission to be a gathering place for families and visitors.
Arden Hills Mn Outdoor Lab Pp2 Banner 1440X500
Residential/Mixed Use
DRG completed a three-phase project for Presbyterian Homes that restored 900+ linear feet of shoreline to reduce erosion and promote a healthy, native ecosystem.
Project Profile Cedar Run Banner 1440X500
Mitigation Banking
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. created, restored, and enhanced 375 acres of wetlands, 3.5 acres of open water, 81 acres of preserved wetlands, and 216 acres of preserved or reforested upland buffers along the Cedar Run in Virginia.
Project Profile Helmsport Marina Banner 1440X500
Residential/Mixed Use
DRG helped developers receive the proper permits for a residential marina project, creating a space that was beneficial to the project as well as the environment.
DRG Inventory Cumberland RI 2
Since 2022, DRG has supported urban forestry in Cumberland, RI, planting street trees and conducting a public tree inventory. Grants aided projects in Valley Falls and Lonsdale, while collaborations with Clark University and a subcontracted landscape architect ensured strategic planning.
Project Profile Maplewood Mn Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group mixed aesthetics and function by installing a specialized tree trench system to address stormwater management and encourage public use of the space at the entrance to Maplewood Community Center.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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