We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.
Davey Resource Group biologists provided construction monitoring services for the identification and protection of rare, threatened, and endangered species during a beach replenishment construction project along a 1.6 mile long stretch of shoreline in New Jersey.
Electric Co-op Utility
Davey Resource Group used boots on the ground and hybrid vehicles to inventory Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative’s distribution system during the community’s midnight sun season.
Electric Co-op Utility
DRG used Futura software to collect detailed information for Southeastern Electric Cooperative and create a connectivity map of their service area.
Electric Co-op Utility
Using handheld scanners, Davey Resource Group crews inspected Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative’s feeder lines to help prioritize maintenance and prevent outages.
Electric Co-op Utility
Northern Neck Electric Cooperative and All Points Broadband partnered for an initiative to bring broadband internet to members in northeastern Virginia. DRG’s team of experts are helping to complete this mission with a full-scale service, including design and construction.
Electric Co-op Utility
DRG performed a full-system inventory for PIEG to jumpstart the utility’s fiber to the home project.
Davey Resource Group performed natural resources studies, environmental documentation, environmental permitting, and agency coordination of dams and dike rehabilitation in Round Valley Reservoir.
Davey Resource Group oversaw construction and post-construction of the Lakes Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank to help Atlantic County, NJ, receive compensatory wetland mitigation credits for bridge replacement and construction projects.
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