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Project Profiles Ft Sheridan Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group performed shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration and native planting along 1.5 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline.
Project Profile Forrest Woods Nature Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
Davey Resource Group brought a cost-effective and creative solution to a reforestation project that enhanced the project’s success.
Project Profiles Tulsa Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group verified, updated, and added new records for an over ten-year-old tree inventory in Buffalo, NY.
Project Profile Kentucky Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group helped Louisville, KY, combat Urban Heat Island effect through tree canopy expansion.
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Davey Resource Group helped the town of Plainfield, Indiana make progress in implementing their 2017 public tree management plan.
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Parks & Trails
DRG oversaw native vegetation installation and management for a seven-acre wetland restoration in Chanhassen, MN. DRG performed herbicide treatments, prescribed burning, and native seeding, followed by a three-year establishment plan to ensure successful planting through 2025.
Parks & Trails
To enhance the softwood young forest habitat to support sensitive, forest-dependent species, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation contracted Davey Resource Group to plant 15,000 seedlings on approximately 16.2 acres of previously clear-cutted forest blocks.
Ec Project Profile City Of Los Angeles Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
In less than 18 months, DRG completed a comprehensive tree inventory for the City of Los Angeles—one of the nation’s largest urban park systems.
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Residential/Mixed Use
Davey Resource Group was referred by The Davey Tree Expert Company’s Residential/Commercial (R/C) Office in South Austin to provide a tree assessment survey, report, and maintenance recommendations for Foundation Communities, a local nonprofit to Austin, Texas.
Beyond Housing GIS Davey Storymap 2023 12 28 122609
Beyond Housing, aided by an EPA grant, aimed to enhance community forestry in 24:1 area communities. They partnered with DRG to conduct a tree canopy assessment, produce tailored reports, and develop visual tools for local planning, emphasizing equity and community engagement.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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