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Environmental Project Profile Emerald Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
Davey Resource Group repaired an eroding shoreline and bank failure on the Emerald Green retention pond located in a 100-year floodplain in Illinois.
Project Profile Helmsport Marina Banner 1440X500
Residential/Mixed Use
DRG helped developers receive the proper permits for a residential marina project, creating a space that was beneficial to the project as well as the environment.
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Parks & Trails
Davey Resource Group inventoried an array of unique trees throughout Balboa Park Conservancy in California, giving park officials the opportunity to make proactive maintenance decisions and lobby for additional funding dollars.
Environmential Project Profile Camp Lejeune Banner 1440X500
Military Base/Military Family Housing
Davey Resource Group performed baseline environmental investigations and prepared permits to help the Department of Defense expand several sites in the Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune, Onslow County, NC.
Project Profile Ottawa Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group helped Ottawa County Landfill in Ohio restore wetlands on a previously farmed site as part of a regulation compliance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Ohio EPA.
Parks & Trails
To enhance the softwood young forest habitat to support sensitive, forest-dependent species, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation contracted Davey Resource Group to plant 15,000 seedlings on approximately 16.2 acres of previously clear-cutted forest blocks.
Adobestock 158483853
Davey Resource Group, Inc. completed a comprehensive tree inventory and data-driven urban forest master plan for the city of Tallahassee, FL, which proposed three goals divided into thirteen action steps.
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Natural Gas/Pipeline
When the lack of adequate vegetation and encroachment data creates operational efficiency and compliance challenges for a major North American energy company after a large infrastructure acquisition, a Davey company steps in with timely and highly targeted solutions.
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Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Davey Tree’s Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. tracks right-of-way tree location electronically and delineates wetlands to help the utility provide better service.
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Electric Investor-Owned Utility
A Texas utility stays ahead of outages by inspecting the distribution poles in their service area annually.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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