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Knoxville Utilities Board.2
Electric Co-op Utility
Davey Resource Group helps Knoxville Utilities Board achieve 95% control of the vegetation on their substations within a short time frame using herbicide solutions.
City Of Buffalo 0223.2
Davey Resource Group used tree inventory data they gathered to create a tree management plan that focuses on Emerald Ash Borer for the City of Buffalo in Minnesota.
Environmental Pp Scale Restoration Grant Banner 1440X500
In 2019, the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) received a Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) Grant to increase resources for emerald ash borer (EAB) management. With this grant, CSFS partnered with Davey Resource Group to conduct tree inventories and assist with EAB public education and response.
Environmental Project Profile Concord Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group, Inc. conducted a tree inventory of nearly 30,000 sites in Concord, MA and used the data to produce a management plan that helped the town plan, prioritize, and budget for their urban forest.
Dsc 6778
Natural Gas/Pipeline
When vegetation conflicts with construction activities, Pacific Gas and Electric calls on Davey Resource Group, Inc.'s team of experts to consult on the proper course of action.
Utility Css San Diego Plant Eradication Banner 1440X500
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
DRG’s Century plant eradication pilot uses chemical applications in place of costly off-cycle pruning to kill the pesky plant, which poses a safety risk to San Diego Gas & Electric distribution and transmission systems.
Utility Line Clearance Banner
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
When a contractor leaves midway through ROW reclamation project in Kentucky, Wolf Tree, Inc. stepped in to get the job done.
Environmental Project Profile Lake Station Banner 1440X500
Mitigation Banking
DRG provided invasive species management and control for the 230-acre Lake Station Mitigation Bank, bringing the area back into compliance with state and federal regulations.
Dsc 2170
Natural Gas/Pipeline
A major North American-based company called on WSSI to remove invasive species from a stream bank near a span of rights-of-way (ROWs) that could have put the stability of the ROW at risk.
Access Roads Bannerjpg
Natural Gas/Pipeline
A number of possibly unsafe trees within the gas transmission right-of-way required inspection. Pacific Gas and Electric required the quick assistance of Davey Resource Group, Inc. to inspect and preserve the trees while preventing tree failure.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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