We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.
Residential/Mixed Use
DRG helped a private property owner north of Seattle stay in compliance with municipal tree protection requirements by inspecting 35 trees and outlining a plan for their preservation during construction.
Electric Government Utility
Davey sends 300 additional line technicians to help a Southeast U.S. Utility restore power after Hurricane Irma.
Parks & Trails
To enhance the softwood young forest habitat to support sensitive, forest-dependent species, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation contracted Davey Resource Group to plant 15,000 seedlings on approximately 16.2 acres of previously clear-cutted forest blocks.
The Michigan Department of Transportation enlisted the help of Davey Resource Group to establish a dense, habitat-friendly vegetation buffer between the I-75 mainline and ramps and the adjacent neighborhoods.
Davey Resource Group biologists provided construction monitoring services for the identification and protection of rare, threatened, and endangered species during a beach replenishment construction project along a 1.6 mile long stretch of shoreline in New Jersey.
Davey Resource Group performed freshwater mussel surveys, salvage and relocation, and monitoring at the I-95/Scudder Falls Bridge as well as a reforestation plan and a peregrine falcon management plan, and contributed to a redbelly turtle habitat assessment.
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