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Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Since 2007, WSSI has been a trusted partner of an Eastern U.S. based utility for environmental compliance solutions.
Project Profile Yuba City Urban Forest Master Plan Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group created a UFMP that combined an inventory of the city’s trees and recommendations to strengthen their tree ordinance with a chance for Yuba City residents to engage with the planning process through a photo contest.
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Davey Resource Group helped the town of Plainfield, Indiana make progress in implementing their 2017 public tree management plan.
Ec Project Profile City Of Los Angeles Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
In less than 18 months, DRG completed a comprehensive tree inventory for the City of Los Angeles—one of the nation’s largest urban park systems.
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Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Davey Tree’s Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. tracks right-of-way tree location electronically and delineates wetlands to help the utility provide better service.
The Inventory Covered More Than 11,000 Sites
Davey Resource Group helped Crown Hill Cemetery rectify tree assessment concerns based on tree inventory data.
Environmential Project Profile Manson Inlet Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group experts used their regulatory knowledge and environmental expertise to assist with the relocation of the Mason Inlet to mitigate erosion risks for nearby residential and commercial properties and infrastructure.
Css Bear Valley Banner 1440X500
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
LiDAR data processed by DRG helps Bear Valley Electric Service demonstrate minimum clearance regulatory compliance for their distribution grid.
City Of Buffalo 0223.2
Davey Resource Group used tree inventory data they gathered to create a tree management plan that focuses on Emerald Ash Borer for the City of Buffalo in Minnesota.
Cranberry Run 2
DRG provided surveying, engineering, and construction management services for four flood hazard mitigation projects in the Cranberry Run Watershed of Boardman Township, OH.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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