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Spotted Lanternfly 600X400
Spotted Lanternfly: What You Need to Know
The spotted lanternfly is a dangerous invasive insect. Early detection is critical to stop an infestation, but how can you tell if your trees are at risk?
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Buyer Beware, Buyer Be Aware
Wetland and streams can be invaluable resources, but can also be costly liabilities.
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Two Thumbs Up: Strategies for Project Approval During New Development
While there is no recipe for guaranteed development project approval, there are a few strategies to keep in mind that keep the development process moving forward
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Michigan Municipalities Receive Forestry Assistance from DRG
For officials at the city of Ferndale and East Grand Rapids, being able to call on Davey Resource Group, Inc. has been a game changer for their community forest management initiatives.
Treekeepercanopy With Trees
How to Effectively Prioritize Tree Plantings to Achieve Community Goals
Increasing an urban forest’s canopy takes more strategy than just planting trees. When communities prioritize plantings in alignment with environmentally just-centered goals, it promotes an urban forest that shares its benefits with everyone.
Leveraging Your Volunteers
Volunteers can be used for more than tree plantings. Learning how to leverage your volunteers, especially during a time of required distancing, can help maintain the connection between urban forestry programs and the communities they serve.
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Leaders in Urban Forestry: Beattra Wilson
Beattra Wilson’s commitment to inclusivity and education has skyrocketed her to lead a successful Urban and Community Forestry Program for the U.S. Forest Service.
Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules Call for Wildlife Friendly Crossings
Wildlife crossing structures help mitigate the effects of roadways and vehicles on animal populations. In addition to causing direct mortality, vehicles and roadways can indirectly affect animals as well.
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Mitigation Wetlands
Mitigation Wetlands

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With local offices across the country, our team of experts can provide the guidance, analysis, and quality service you need to manage the natural resources on your property. From wetlands and streams to stormwater management and tree inventories, we offer turn-key solutions for clients nationwide.

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