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Drg Ec Map 600
What's in a Name: DRG, Inc.
You may have noticed that we are now Davey Resource Group Inc. Click below to read more about our company reorganization and what it means for client experience.
Drg Eco Land Mgmt 600
Land Management Plans & Why You Should Get One
Land management plans are documents that spell out the management goals for a property.
Endangered & Protected? Kirtland's Warbler
Find out if your project still needs to comply with the woody vegetation clearing restrictions for this bird.
Bald Eagle 600
Bald Eagle Protection & Permits
If there is an eagle nest near your site, then certain avoidance and minimization measures should be implemented to reduce the likelihood of any impacts to the bald eagles.
Bat Mist Net Survey 600
Bats & Tree Clearing: How Conducting a Summer Survey May Benefit Your Project
If you missed the winter tree clearing season and waiting six months for the next tree clearing window is not an option, we may have the solution for you.
Mussel Banner
Does Your Project Impact Streams? A Mussel Survey May Need to be Completed
All streams that contain mussels or potential mussel habitat must be surveyed prior to any proposed stream disturbance.
2019 National Urban & Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC) Grant
Would you like to receive funding to help support your urban forestry program? Here's what you need to know.
Urban Forest Program Continuum 600
Urban Forest Program Continuum
Davey developed a new tool to assist you in growing and communicating about your urban forestry program.
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Mitigation Wetlands
Mitigation Wetlands

Partner With Davey Resource Group For Your Next Project

With local offices across the country, our team of experts can provide the guidance, analysis, and quality service you need to manage the natural resources on your property. From wetlands and streams to stormwater management and tree inventories, we offer turn-key solutions for clients nationwide.

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