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Detecting Early Signs of Green Infrastructure Failure
Green infrastructure (GI) is a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly stormwater management solution, but how can you tell if your GI isn’t properly functioning?
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Getting Your IVC Program Off the Ground
Invasive vegetation control is an important part of any land management project, but how can you determine which IVC method works best for you?
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Have Land? Invite Pollinators!
How large land managers like state departments of transportation and energy companies can leverage their rights-of-way to create pollinator habitats.
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ALB Eradicated in New York City
All five boroughs of New York City are officially free of an Asian longhorn beetle infestation. The 23-year campaign came to an end in October 2019 with the help of Davey Resource Group.
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Creating a Fair Urban Forest
Integrating an environmental justice framework into urban forest master plans can help ensure urban forests are thriving in all areas of a municipality.
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Connecting Nature & Mental Health
A Philadelphia study shows significant mental health benefits for people living next to greened lots—a 41.5% reduction in depression and 62.8% reduction in self-reported poor mental health.
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“Pond”-ering Turf Around Water
Natural and man-made ponds surrounded by turf grass can have several issues, such as erosion, algae, and siltation. Using native plants can resolve these issues while creating an aesthetically pleasing space.
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Beat the Heat: Summer Green Infrastructure Maintenance
Summer weather can create green infrastructure maintenance challenges. These 6 tips can help ensure healthy and functional green infrastructure for the summer and beyond.
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Mitigation Wetlands
Mitigation Wetlands

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