Posted: January 21, 2025

A cold winter morning can be a beautiful sight for some, but when a property manager looks outside and sees a snowy landscape, it’s often more worry than wonderland. Keeping roads, sidewalks, and other common areas clear of snow and ice after a winter storm is a critical part of providing a safe environment on your property, and although the priority is clearing a way for people, some de-icers work better than others in certain applications.  

When it comes to snow and ice management, safety is always our top priority. Using the right de-icer in the right place is key for not only keeping everyone on site safe but also for doing the least amount of physical damage to your property.  

See what sets these products apart and where & when to use them.

What To Use Before The Snow

Salt Brine
  • Salt brine is the most used of all the pre-treatment options. It’s cost-effective, and the liquid can be sprayed onto roads, sidewalks, and parking lots to create a barrier that helps prevent ice forming. It’s effective down to about 20°F (-6°C) and dries quickly, so it stays in place before the storm.
Calcium Chloride Brine 
  • As temperatures drop, salt brine loses its effectiveness. Calcium chloride brine takes over, since it’s most effective in lower temperatures, working down to -25°F (-32°C). It generates heat on contact with moisture, helping prevent ice from bonding even in very cold conditions. Calcium chloride is more costly than salt brine, so it’s often used for high-priority areas.
Magnesium Chloride Brine
  • For a milder solution than salt, magnesium chloride brine is a good option. Effective down to about -13°F (-25°C) and less corrosive than sodium chloride, it’s commonly used on roads and sidewalks where surface damage or environmental impact is a concern.
Beet Juice Brine
  • A good option if sustainability is a priority, beet juice brine is made from beet juice or other agricultural by-products and mixed with salt brine to enhance adhesion and melting power. Beet juice blends lower the freezing point further and reduce the environmental impact compared to pure salt solutions. One downside – bright red beet juice stains almost everything it touches!

What To Use After The Snow

Sodium Chloride (Rock Salt)
  • This de-icer is ubiquitous, although not without its downsides. Studies have shown that overuse can be damaging to soils, plants, waterways, and have other environmental impacts, but rock salt is effective down to about 20°F (-6°C). It’s also affordable and widely available.
Calcium Chloride
  • For a more cold-tolerant solution, calcium chloride is your best choice. It’s effective down to -25°F (-32°C) and reacts differently than rock salt – it creates heat upon contact with moisture, making it quick-acting. It's also more costly than rock salt and can be corrosive if overused.
Magnesium Chloride
  • Magnesium chloride is a safer alternative than the previous 2 chemicals. It’s effective to around -13°F (-25°C) and less corrosive than sodium chloride. It’s often used in environmentally sensitive areas or places needing minimal surface wear (like Pavers), but it can be more expensive.
Potassium Chloride
  • A less common deicer, effective to around 25°F (-4°C). Potassium chloride is gentler on plants, making it useful for areas with vegetation. The trade-off though is that it’s not as effective in extreme cold.
Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA)
  • A biodegradable, eco-friendly alternative made from limestone and acetic acid (similar to vinegar), CMA is effective to about 20°F (-6°C), and it's safe for surfaces and plants but is typically more expensive than other options.

Applying de-icer correctly is just as important as choosing the right product to use. Over-application can cause unnecessary harm to surfaces and the environment, while under-application compromises safety for employees, customers, and visitors. Partnering with a professional team that truly understands how deicers work ensures that the right amount is applied at the right time.

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