In this New York Times article, Davey's Tree Safety: Why do Trees Fall After Heavy Rain blog is referenced to help educate people about tree safety before and after storms.
Like homes, cars and electricity lines, trees provide vital services. But they can also be dangerous, even deadly, in storms or when they are not cared for properly.
There are signs that can let you know when a tree is unhealthy, according to Davey Tree, a company that provides tree and shrubs services across most of the United States and Canada. For example, leaves may thin, wilt or turn color out of season. Sections of a tree may stop leafing. The soil underneath may appear cracked or heaving. The roots may look soft, mushy or black.
To read the full article, click here.
The Davey Tree Expert Company, headquartered in Kent, Ohio, provides research-driven tree services, grounds maintenance and environmental and utility infrastructure consulting for residential, utility, commercial and environmental partners in the U.S. and Canada. As one of the top ten largest employee-owned companies in the U.S., Davey's 12,000 employees have been dedicated to creating and delivering sustainable solutions since 1880. Apply today to join the Davey legacy, and learn about how we're growing with our new SEED Campus.