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Davey Corporate Communications

(800) 447-1667 Ext. 1107

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**All non-media inquiries please find the appropriate contact here.

Davey In The News
Fall landscape follow-up with Brad McBride
Brad McBride from Davey's West Cleveland office follows-up with results from his fall landscape assessment segment.
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Davey In The News
Beware the 'zombie trees.' They may look alive but inside they're dead or dying
Jess Divin from Davey's East San Antonio office shares how the region's drastic weather patterns have led to an increase in zombie trees.
Tree Lined Street In Neighborhood
Davey In The News
Stressed oak trees in Chicago
David Horvath from Davey's Lake Bluff office shares how drought conditions are affecting oak trees this fall.
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Davey In The News
Are 'zombie trees' lurking in your backyard?
Lou Meyer from Davey's Mid-Atlantic region explains the phenomenon of zombie trees and how you can identify them.
Davey In The News
The Risks of Zombie Trees
Adam Passo from Davey's Milwaukee office explains how to identify zombie trees and why they are harmful on a homeowner's property.
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Davey In The News
Worsening drought conditions loom for Central Texas
Will Johnston from Davey's South Austin office shares what homeowners can do to protect their trees from drought conditions.
Davey In The News
Outsmart Frosty Temperatures by Planning Ahead
Ryan Stratham from Davey's Strathroy, Ontario office shares what you can do to prepare your trees for winter conditions.
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Davey In The News
QCA oak trees suffering in drought conditions, susceptible to pests
Robert Spartz from Davey's Quad Cities office shares how you can protect your trees from drought stress and pests.
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Media Contact

Davey Corporate Communications

(800) 447-1667 Ext. 1107

Email or fill out this form

**All non-media inquiries please find the appropriate contact here.


About Davey

The Davey Tree Expert Company, headquartered in Kent, Ohio, provides research-driven tree services, grounds maintenance and environmental and utility infrastructure consulting for residential, utility, commercial and environmental partners in the U.S. and Canada. As one of the top ten largest employee-owned companies in the U.S., Davey's 12,000 employees have been dedicated to creating and delivering sustainable solutions since 1880. Apply today to join the Davey legacy, and learn about how we're growing with our new SEED Campus

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Inspecting Pine
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Whether you're picking out a tree or making a list for this season's landscape to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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